Welcome to High Throughput Organic Synthesis

Center for High Throughput Organic Synthesis was established in 2011 as a result of cooperation between the Department of Organic Chemistry of Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic, and the University of Notre Dame , Indiana, USA. Its mission is to design and develop efficient syntheses of novel drug-like molecules and use synthetic protocols for production of compound libraries for high throughput screening

The main research focus of the center:

Development of synthetic approaches for preparation of target as well as diversity oriented libraries
Modification of biologically active compounds for SAR studies, molecular target identification, etc.
Development of new materials for tissue engineering
Modification of biomolecules and their parts for diagnostic purposes.


  • Open Positions

    We have currently several positions open
    for Ph.D. students and posdoctoral associates
    Please visit our POSITIONS page.

    Czech - US collaboration

    Palacky University establishes a close collaboration
    with the University of Notre Dame. Read more here
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Our facility

Faculty of Science new building

Walk through our laboratories here

hotel Thirty Thirty in New York